Gratis 'original' small giraffe bij besteding van 25 euro! Actie is geldig t/m 16 feb

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Gratis 'original' small giraffe bij besteding van 25 euro! Actie is geldig t/m 16 feb

about Annelie

I have worked in the aviation industry (commercial and private sector) for over 12 years, a job that I enjoyed immensely and received satisfaction from. After a while, things started to wring, because during my work I didn't actually do anything that really made the world better, while we are very conscious about the environment and sustainability at home. At the end of a working day I had provided my customers with a nice, luxurious (holiday) trip, but that was often only luxurious. So time for change!

At the beginning of 2017 I decided to join Nic&Mic, where Imainly focus on back office activities, social media, marketing and webshop/website. Furthermore, I take as many tasks as possible off Nicholas' hands so that he can focus on new opportunities and developments, while of course I support him.

Being self-employed together with Nicholas can be perfectly combined with our family with 2 young children. New ideas arise at the kitchen table at home and we work hard together behind the scenes to further develop Nic&Mic!

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0031 (0)411 671853


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Kapelweg 6a
5281 LR Boxtel
Nederland View on Google Maps

VAT: NL857346167B01
Chamber of Commerce number: 68212038

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